School & Community Learning Together
Faction Cross Country
With the recent lifting of restrictions, I am happy to announce that Wembley Downs Primary School is able to our annual Faction Cross Country championship. The event is scheduled to take place on Friday 26th June. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing Covid 19 situation, it has been decided that this year the event will be held at Butlers Reserve.
The reasons behind this is to allow parents to be able to attend the event. With the current restrictions on the number of people allowed at any gathering, it would be problematic to hold the event using the traditional course around the school. By using Butlers Reserve parents can watch the event from the banks on the outside of the reserve. Whilst allowing the students to run on the inside of the reserve.
Students from Year 3 to 6 will walk with their class teachers from the school during recess and will return in time for lunch.
An approximate running time for the event.
Year 3 Girls -11.30
Year 3 Boys – 11.40
Year 4 Girls – 11.50
Year 4 Boys – 12.00
Year 5 Girls -12.10
Year 5 Boys - 12.25
Year 6 Girls – 12.40
Year 6 Boys – 12.55
Students in Year 1 to 2 will take part in their event on the school oval. The event will take place after lunch, parents are asked to watch the event from the banks around the edge of the oval.
Year 1 Girls – 14.20
Year 1 Boys – 14.30
Year 2 Girls – 14.40
Year 2 Boys – 14.50
In the event of poor weather, the school will make a decision on the morning of the event, and a connect message will be sent to parents.
Kind regards,
Paul Rosier
PE teacher